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Apartment plants: How to grow a green haven in small spaces

Cultivar plantas em um apartamento pode transformar seu espaço em um oásis verdejante, proporcionando não apenas beleza estética, mas também benefícios para a saúde, como purificação do ar e redução do estresse. Este artigo oferece um guia abrangente sobre como escolher e cuidar de plantas em ambientes de apartamento. 1. Entendendo as Condições do Seu […]


Growing plants in an apartment can transform your space into a verdant oasis, providing not only aesthetic beauty but also health benefits. health, such as air purification and stress reduction. This article offers a comprehensive guide on how to choose and care for plants in apartment environments.

1. Understanding the Conditions of Your Apartment

Before purchasing plants, it's crucial to understand the specific conditions of your space, such as the amount of direct sunlight, climate, and available space. These factors will determine which plants will adapt best to your environment.

2. Choosing Low Maintenance Plants

For apartments, low-maintenance plants are ideal, especially for those with a busy schedule. Some of the best options include:


  • Zamioculcas (ZZ Plant): Almost indestructible, requires little water and light.
  • Sansevieria (Sword of Saint George): Drought tolerant and able to thrive in low light environments.
  • Pothos (Boa): It grows well in variable light conditions and is excellent for purifying the air.

3. Light and Location

Light is one of the most critical factors in plant growth. Some plants, like succulents, require lots of direct sunlight, while others, like ferns, prefer shade or indirect light. Position your plants near windows that receive adequate light for the type of plant you choose.

4. Watering and Nutrition

Overwatering is one of the main causes of indoor plant death. It is important to understand each plant's water needs. A good rule of thumb is to check the soil before watering: it should be dry to the touch. Also, fertilize your plants during the growing months (spring and summer), but cut back during the fall and winter.

5. Controlling Humidity and Temperature

Many indoor plants originate from humid climates and can suffer in dry apartment environments. Consider using a humidifier or placing plants on trays of wet gravel to increase the humidity around them. Also, keep plants away from direct heat sources and cold drafts.


6. Pruning and Maintenance

Regular pruning helps keep plants healthy and attractive. Remove dead or yellowing leaves and prune as needed to encourage new growth. Also check for signs of pests or diseases and treat them promptly to prevent spread.

7. Plant Varieties for Small Spaces

For apartments with limited space, consider plants that can grow vertically, such as vines, or that can hang, such as the wire plant (Ceropegia woodii). Other options for small spaces include:

  • Aloe vera: Compact and useful for treating burns.
  • Herbs: Grow herbs like basil and mint in small pots in the kitchen.

8. Decorating with Plants

In addition to their health benefits, plants can be used to enhance the aesthetics of your apartment. Use decorative pots that match your decorating style and arrange plants in ways that complement the space, such as on floating shelves or in a terrarium.


Growing plants in an apartment not only beautifies your home, but also improves your quality of life. By selecting the right species and caring for them properly, you can create a vibrant and relaxing environment, even in a small space. Remember that each plant has its own needs, and understanding those needs is the key to a thriving apartment garden.
